Understand their struggle and then help them move forward

marketing /mär′kĭ-tĭng/ • noun
The strategic functions involved in identifying and appealing to particular groups of consumers, often including activities such as advertising, branding, pricing, and sales.

Marketing is about integrating different tactics to build your go-to-market strategy and ensure it works in harmony. Rather than doing separate brand-building and demand gen, combine them and help them build off each other. One way to do this is to develop an umbrella message for all content to align with at all times. This is the foundational element that helps drive consistency and is a simple way to articulate what you do.

An important thing is to understand your target customer. Most of the time, they are sold into one side of things, but it’s important to understand what they are struggling with and where they need the most help. From there, build use cases and really personalize your strategy. Creating a strong digital journey for prospects is often overlooked but critical. Why? Because B2B customers make their way through 60% of the journey without a salesperson.

Making sure the team has the right content and messaging and presenting it in a consumable way is mission-critical to success.


The ballroom of business


What Change Do YOU Seek To Make With This Marketing Campaign?