The Bold Move reveals The Path
Most people overcomplicate progress. I've done it and perhaps you have as well. We create elaborate systems, download productivity apps, and make color-coded charts. Then we wonder why nothing changes.
You don't need a system. You need to make a bold move.
I am talking about the opposite of those New Year's resolutions that usually come with too much baggage and too many rules. They're designed to make you feel bad about who you are today while promising some perfect version of yourself tomorrow.
Instead, I'm talking about that one meaningful action that cuts through all the noise. The kind that makes you slightly uncomfortable but also excited. Maybe it's finally pulling the plug on that project that's been dragging you down. Or launching that idea you've been sitting on for months. Or having that conversation you've been avoiding.
When you make one bold move: everything becomes clearer and you can see where you actually need to go, not where you think you should go. But, most people wait for perfect conditions before taking action. That's backward. Bold moves create perfect conditions. They shake things up. They force you to think differently. They make you deal with reality instead of hypotheticals.
The bold move reveals the path and you should identify one bold move you can make this week. Not next month. Not when you feel ready. This week.
Because here's the thing about progress: it happens now, or it doesn't happen at all.