All Data Comes From The Same Place

That place is the past and even our best minds don’t understand how our social world works therefore it is perfectly possible to be both rational and wrong.

The professional study of marketing detaches from how most people experience the world. You can validate this claim by doing your own flawlessly designed, empirically valid, reliable, double-blind study of how people will respond to your product and its accompanying marketing campaigns and then compare that to what you learn when you watch them use it or decide not to use it (it will probably be the latter).

Sometimes time spent reinventing the wheel results in a revolutionary new rolling device. But sometimes it just amounts to time spent reinventing the wheel. Our intertwined social world is too complex for us to master, driven by feedback loops and tipping points, forces that are constantly changing, swayed by chance and chaos, accidents, and black swan events.


The Bold Move reveals The Path


Does Your Marketing Take Selective Attention Into Account?